Davis Elementary, with funding provided by our Aware Program, is excited to announce a visit from author of Ninja Life Hacks, Mary Nhin. Mrs. Nhin created her books to empower children by promoting a growth mindset, encouraging problem solving, cultivating self-confidence, coping/dealing with difficult emotions and feelings, preparing them for life’s challenges.

She will make a stop at Davis Elementary, Wednesday, December 6th. Mrs. Nhin will do a student assembly for K-4th that morning, and then will present to parents in the Davis Public School Auditorium at 6:00 PM, for a Parents Night Out. Parents may pre-order books using the QR Code in the flyer below. Pre-orders will receive 10% off and will be accepted until Sunday, December 3rd. Books will also be available for purchase at the student assembly and at the Parents Night Out.
We invite all of our parents to join us an informative evening with Mrs. Nhin who will share tips/life hacks for parents. We look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday, December 6th at 6:00 PM in the Davis Public Schools Auditorium!